Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Losing your child, finding humanity

Okay, Okay so I get mother of the year award! I took ALL the kids to the park today and we had a great time. I love to watch them playing with new friends they meet at the park. BUT I started to talking to friends and lost track of where they were a few times and then got that sick, panicky feeling when I couldn't just look up and spot them all.. Did I mention it's a big park with lots of people there. Not to mention that the name that gets spoken most often in the house is my two year old's. Not just her first name but the whole thing (you know the drill)...OLIVIA RUTH!!! Always in a low tone or yelling across the place we are to get her attention. But probably since I use it so often she doesn't seemed phased by hearing her name anymore. So needless to say I lost her 2 times but some nice people brought her back to where we were. Which brings me to my ultimate point that: It's good to know that not everyone out there is out to get us and that you can still leave your picnic stuff on a table and not worry too much that someone is going to come and steal it. So I thank those nice people and encourage everyone to do something nice for a stranger.

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