Thursday, May 29, 2008

Blue Goggles

So I am supposed to write in my blogg more often then I do according to my husband but who has the time really?! Anyhoo....I was watching my daughter at swim lessons on Sunday and I was bribing her to try opening her eyes under water with her goggles on. She refused. I tried explaining that it wouldn't hurt, that it would be really cool, that she would be so excited once she did it. Nothing I said could entice her to try it until I offered her a fresh baked cookie once we got home. So she got up her nerve and tried it. Now the kid is a fish and she loves to open her eyes with her goggles on. She has blue goggles so her water world is blue. Like I told her, she has a whole new world to explore because she can see underwater and experience things she never could have before. Later as I reflected on this, I thought of how God has this same experience waiting for us. He tries to coax us and tell us how wonderful the plans he has for us are but, we are reluctant and uneasy because it's usually out of our comfort zone. Once we give in and try it we see just how wonderful it is and can't imagine living without the view from our blue goggles.

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